Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Twist on Ramadan

Its been a few years since I've participated in Ramadan but this year, things changed. It was during my March trip to Morocco (a Muslim country), when I knew that things would be different this year. Given that its summer and fasting would last for 12 hours and considering all the other things going on - which of course people may consider as excuses - my idea was to put a twist on Ramadan. Ramadan is about self-control, will power, ridding ourselves of indulgences and bad habits, and also living without all the luxuries that have naturally become a part of our everyday lives, allowing us to focus on whats most important in life.

Many of my friends (and dad) have joined me in my mission to give something up for 30 days. We started our journey yesterday!

Items that have been given up: cursing, fried foods, cheese, soda, eating out, drinking, ice cream, desserts and beer.

Love my friends dearly for indulging me on my version of Ramadan. :)

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