Made it to the airport by 5:15 am and waited for the 7 am flight to Tamale. Met up with the other guy from my company who is on the assignment as well. Arrived in Tamale in about an hour and met a few people from Camfed who are here for another project - filming young girls in small villages in the area.
Not too much to report for the day.
Randomly enough, we ate Indian food for dinner. The restaurants here have Ghanaian, Indian and Chinese food all in one menu. Tried Red-red last night, a popular dish with beans, tomato sauce and sweet plantains (kinda wish they had this at

Sophies) which was delicious! Apparently you're not supposed to eat it for dinner because its too heavy to digest later at night, oops..classic tourist mistake.
Hey Girl! So happy you made it there safely. Rock out this week, as I'm sure you will. Take lots of pictures and can't wait to catch up when you're back!
who would have thought there's a town called Tamale in Ghana