Saturday, November 12, 2011

Akwaaba (Welcome) to Accra, Ghana!

Have safely arrived in Accra! The flight was okay and pretty full. A crying baby and man with a booming voice seated in front of me made for interesting times. The woman next to me is headed to a small village, 8 hours on the bus outside of Accra, with 45 nurses and doctors from Utah to set up a clinic. They each had 50 pounds of medical supplies with them as their second bag. It was this woman's first time outside of the US, pretty impressive!

As you can tell from the outdoor pic, we walked out of the plane into the Arrival terminal. Standard immigration area. Only 2 baggage belts for the international airport.

Hotel shuttle arrived as promised. Quick drive to the hotel while listening to Timbaland's "Give it to me" on the local radio. Saw a sign for Nielsen (can you believe it, Michelle?) on the way here and a giant Shoprite. Might venture off to the mall later, we'll see!

Tomorrow: 5 am departure for the airport for an early flight to Tamale where I'll spend the rest of the week.


  1. Safe travels! Almost there! Just make sure you get a little bit of sleep before you head to Tamale :-)

  2. Glad you made it safely Emu! We had a bit of a scare yesterday when we arrived in Da Nang (our car driver was no where to be found!!) Found a police officer that was so nice and called our hotel for us. 30 min later we were on our way...phew! Did you make it to the mall? how was it?

  3. Ah traveling adventures! They always makes for good stories AFTER they are resolved lol

    Didn't make it to the mall. Took the afternoon to rest instead since the week ahead will be pretty hectic! Off to the airport now (its 4:41 am, eeks!) ~em

  4. Glad you made it there ok too!

    Nielsen, represent! I wonder what they're doing there?
